Monday 28 January 2019

Week #19


*Please sign/initial your child's agenda daily.
*Students are asked to continue reading every night for at least 20 minutes and continue filling out their R.E.D form.

*Save the Date!
As you are aware the Grade 3 Students have been working collaboratively with AY Jackson Gr. 9 & 10 Computer Science Students since the fall to create and develop educational computer games/mobile apps. This Tuesday, Jan. 29 is our App Launch Party! The celebration will take place in our Learning Commons at 9:30 am until about 11:00 am.  All parents are welcome to come and see what all the students have collectively created. Hope to see you there!
****If the busses are cancelled, the App. Party will be held on Wed. Jan. 30, 2019 ****

Looking Ahead to This Week:

*Tue. Jan. 28 App. Launch!, Library visit
* Thu. Jan. 30 Dignity and Humility Assembly 10:45am
*Fri. Feb. 1  WWW Sentences due, EQAO Hwk due