Sunday 24 May 2020

School Closure Week #10

Dear Parents,
Week 10 cards are posted in the Learn From Home 2020-RF Workspace. This week the students will be combining two forms of writing (i.e. letter and persuasive). The students will also be exploring probability by predicting the frequency of an outcome in a simple probability experiment or game.

We will have a class check-in (Google Meet) on Friday, May 29 at 11:00 am theme/topic Social-Emotional Check-in. I will email the invitation with the link to students on Friday morning.

Have your child continue to add their thoughts, ideas, and creations to our Class Padlet: "Be Community". Last week, our class completed our first-ever virtual puzzle (sunflowers above)!  I've added another virtual puzzle to our workspace. The students can work on solving the 70 piece puzzle in real-time!

Since this is the last week of May, I thought I could give a shout out to all the May Birthdays in our class!

Michael May 8
Ian: May 12
Oliver May 18
Alex: May 20
Happy Birthday to You - video!