Monday 4 February 2019

Week #20


*Please sign/initial your child's agenda daily.
*Students are asked to continue reading every night for at least 20 minutes and continue filling out their R.E.D form.
*Information regarding Pathways to French Gr 4-6 went home on Friday. The two options are the extended program (25%) and immersion program (50%). Please check your preference as soon as possible and return your form to school by Feb. 28, 2019.

Looking Ahead to This Week:

*Tue. Feb. 5 Library visit
*Wed. Feb. 6 Learning Technologies Coach in from the Board to help us with Google Read &Write
*Fri. Feb. 8 WWW Sentences due
***No EQAO Practice Hwk this week as we are having a problem with our photocopier.***