Monday 11 November 2019

Week #11


*Please sign/initial your child's agenda daily.

*Students are asked to read nightly for at least 20 minutes (either with a parent or independently)

*Christmas Theme Basket
Thank you so much for your donations to our coffee theme Christmas Basket! We will be putting it together and adding the finishing touches today and tomorrow. We hope to have our basket completed by November 13 so that it can be displayed in time for Parent-Teacher interviews on November 14; that way parents can start the bidding. Thank you for supporting our school!

Looking Ahead to This Week:
    Image result for remembrance day canada
  • Mon. Nov. 11: Remembrance Day - Ceremony held in the gym at 10:45am, Hwk Week#11 sent home due Mon. Nov. 18 
  • Wed. Nov. 13: Library Exchange Day in Learning Commons
  • Thu. Nov. 14: Picture Retake Day!, Parent-Teacher Interview Night
  • Fri. Nov. 15: PD Day - No School for Students