Friday 13 March 2020

Three Week School Closure

Dear Parents, 

I'm sure you are all aware that all publicly funded school closure in Ontario for two weeks following March Break, in response to the emergence in Ontario of COVID-19. As a result, all schools in the Ottawa Catholic School Board will be closed from March 14 to April 5, 2020.

For the two weeks after March Break students are asked to continue working on their reading, writing, and mathematic skills. They can do so through the following websites (found on the right-side panel of this blog):

Raz Kids reading:
Prodigy: (assignments: money, time, EQAO test prep.)
Zorbits Math Adventure: .
To help practise writing, the students are encouraged to write me a letter about their March Break adventures; as I will be writing to each of them. 
**There are also many educational apps that students have access to our school's website  ( through their student portal.

Students can also work on Our Lenten Project - completing good deeds at home for $2

We are supporting the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund, which works to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities together through awareness, education and connections between all Canadians. Throughout the Lenten season, we will be collecting donations for the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund. Students are welcome to:

*Collect donations of $2 in exchange for doing good deeds or chores at home
*Contribute a $2 donation in exchange for being able to paint a piece of our Reconciliation mural which will be displayed in our school

These donations can be contributed through School Cash Online! We look forward to supporting this organization through our Lenten Project this year and we will be extending our collections to after Easter due to the school closures. We thank you for your ongoing support.